Consider education when you vote

A candidate’s education can weigh in on his qualifications for a certain position. A person with a financial background will do better in treasurer positions and state and local governments, and someone with a law degree may be better qualified to serve as a district magistrate. Local School boards work better with someone who understands education issues, although where a person went to college and what he went to college for should only occupy one part of the decision-making process.

An unqualified candidate may perform admirably in his new job, and there is no guarantee a qualified candidate can do the job he has done for many years competently. A more important issue than education when electing public officials is their experience and their stance on the issues. Education does not figure into whether or not a particular candidate will vote the way an individual may want him to on certain issues.

The final part of considering education when voting has nothing to do with the candidates, but rather with the children of parents who vote. An informed parent can have a great effect on his children by watching the debates and explaining the voting process to young minds. Young children especially learn by imitating the actions of their parents. Older children often follow the example set by their mother and father in later life. Even getting a child to ask about the “I Voted” sticker can set off a lengthy topic of discussion about properly exercising his civic responsibilities.