G.I. Bill pays for returning veterans for college education
Under the G.I. Bill, the Federal government is to pay for college education for honorably discharged service members after they leave service and elected to go to a public college or university. However, the applicants must meet the state regulations and residency requirements. The Department of Veterans Affairs manages the program and pays the in-state tuition and fees. In order to attend out-of-state college, a veteran must pay the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition and fees. A total of nine states have laws on books that allow in-state tuition and fees for veterans regardless of the residency. Similar legislation is pending in five other states.
The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 is commonly known as the G.I. Bill. At the time it was aimed at providing a range of benefits including low cost mortgages, low interest loans to start a business or farm, and cash payments for living expenses and tuition to attend college, high school or vocational training for returning World War II veterans. Benefits can be used within 10 years from the date of honorable discharge. Since 9/11, the bill has been greatly expanded to cover full cost of college education including housing and book stipend.
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